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EDC Minutes 01-23-2013

MADDEN ROOM                                                    WEDNESDAY, January 23, 2013
SOUTH WINDSOR TOWN HALL                                                          TIME: 7:30 P.M.

PRESENT: Chairperson Susan Burnham, Louise Neary, Linda Jeski, James Murray, Edwina Futtner, Dwight Johnson, Joseph Kennedy, William Jodice, Mark Lillis and Alternate Paul Burnham Alternate Gary Waterhouse (arr. 7:34pm)

ABSENT: John Mitchell

ALSO PRESENT: ED Coordinator Shari Fiveash and Town Council liaison Cindy Beaulieu

 1.    Call Meeting to Order: Chairperson S. Burnham called the meeting to order at 7:30p.m.

 2.    Roll Call: Chairperson S. Burnham introduced the above-mentioned members.

  3.    Public Participation: Peter DeMallie, of Design Professionals, talked about the transportation system in CT and its lack of innovation throughout the state as compared to competing locales nationally and internationally. Currently there are projects underway to improve the system including the New Haven Hartford Springfield Commuter Line. There is a plan for about thirty trains per day travelling in each direction, from Springfield to New Haven, running on half hour intervals with stops along the way. The right of way still exists but some of the infrastructure needs to be replaced or improved. There will also be improvements made along the corridor such as businesses, living spaces and shops. The plan is to make the system operational by 2016. Another transportation system that is being developed is the CT Fast Track of dedicated highway, nine miles long, with eleven stations for a bus way. The headway for the bus way would be under ten minutes. This plan is expected to be operational in 2014. There is added flexibility for the bus drivers to customize their routes depending on their passengers such as dropping a cluster of commuters at Aetna or convention goers at the Convention Center. There are plans in the future to connect the rails to Montreal and Boston. Regionally, there is a combination of rail and rapid transit system which would include areas east of the river. The main focus is to retain and attract a younger workforce. Mr. DeMallie informed members that Bradley International Airport is now a member of the Connecticut Airport Authority and will be working on drawing more airlines and flights and doing better marketing for the area. Two factors that have kept a young workforce from locating to the area are the lack of both a pro-sports team and affordable housing such as apartments or starter homes. Mr. DeMallie suggests that the town could support these initiatives and encourage other communities to do the same in order to make the region more vibrant.

  4.    Approval of Minutes

Minutes from Regular Meeting on 11/28/2012: A motion was made by Commissioner Neary and seconded by Commissioner Jodice to approve the minutes with the following corrections:
Page one: Public Participation should read ‘…interested in developing…’, ‘…lanes will be made…’, ‘…gravel parking lot…’
Page three: Communications and Remarks should read ‘…senior housing has requested…’, ‘…reported LCB on the corner…’, ‘…fifty percent abatement for the first three years…’, ‘Renovations are being funded…’ should be replaced with ‘Town of South Windsor has received $500,000 STEAP grant to convert the former post office on Sullivan Avenue and is exploring other options and grants to round off the costs.’ and ‘…Parks & Rec. offices to Evergreen Walk…’  
Motion was unanimously approved. Motion passed.
 5.    Old Business: Chairperson Burnham let commissioners know that the proclamation for Joseph Carino has been put on hold.

  6.    Committee Report

Report from Louise Neary and Sue Burnham - Discover South Windsor: Chairperson Burnham handed out new Discover South Windsor cards that walk people through the registration process on the website. The cards will be informational for groups that would like to post items to the calendar. The website has had 40,000 hits as of December. Chairman Burnham gave an overview of the history of the group and the web site development and its current merger with the Chamber and their support of the site.

  7.    Communications and Remarks

Report from Sue Burnham, Chairperson:
  • The CT Studios deadline for beginning construction has been extended to April 3, 2013. This is their 2nd extension. Councilor Beaulieu stated that weekly updates regarding their progress are to be submitted to the town manager.
  • The request for 100% tax abatement for the Evergreen Walk hotel was not approved by the town council. A counter offer of a “stepped” plan similar to what the Town of Vernon has offered was proposed.
  • There are two separate parties interested in developing an ice rink/recreation center. The recreation side will be separate and the council has asked the town manager for budget numbers on projects of similar size for comparison. A building for the recreation department could be placed on town owned land. Commissioner Lillis asked about the other groups that use the current facility. Councilor Beaulieu suggested that those groups, other than the seniors, would be able to use spaces in the new facility. Commissioner Jodice asked about funding. Councilor Beaulieu stated that it hasn’t been decided but that she would like to know what the budget would be. A decision could then be made such as funding through bonding, a 63-20 corporation or private funding.

Report from Shari Fiveash, Economic Development Coordinator
  • Ms. Fiveash reported that twenty-five more business visits have been made for a total of one hundred forty five. Visits include both businesses and industrial companies.
  • Ms. Fiveash commented that three separate pharmacy companies inquired about South Windsor within the last two weeks.
  • The State of CT will be meeting with town officials regarding a $4 million expansion to retain a company in town.
  • Sugar Belles will be having their Grand Opening on February 5th at 10 a.m.
  • DQ Grill & Chill plans on opening April 30th.
  • Plans for the Bone Fish Grill are moving along and they applied for their liquor permits today.
Commissioner Lillis reported that the robotics team is using space at Ticket Network and for storage & testing.  

  8.    New Business:
  • There will be a Chamber social at Revolutions at 5:30pm on January 24th. Revolutions is located at 60 Bidwell Road (across from Nomads).
  • An anniversary celebration will be held on February 22nd at Maneeley’s for the South Windsor Volunteer Fire Department at 6p.m. Tickets are $50 per person or $450 for table of 10 for dinner, etc…
  • Sept 20-22 the 130th State Firefighters convention will be held at Nevers Road Park.
  • The next regularly scheduled EDC meeting will be Wednesday, February 27th.
  • Councilor Belieau reported that the Town Council accepted both resignations submitted by Joe Carino and that nice comments were made by council members about his service to the town.
 9.    General Discussion: None.

10.     Adjournment: A motion was made by Commissioner Neary and seconded by Commissioner Lillis to adjourn at 8:57p.m. and was unanimously approved. Motion passed.

Respectfully submitted,
Catherine Potter

Approved:  February 27, 2013